Why Japanese people love sleeping on the floor ?

Japanese people sleep on the floor😴. How comfortable are those hardwood floors? Don’t Japanese people get sore sleeping on them? 👀Well, Japanese homes are mostly covered with tatami. No matter if you’re sitting up or lying down, the tatami offers unparalleled comfort and support. Let’s take a look at the numerous benefits of sleeping on tatami👏
1️⃣It’s safer☑️.
Japan experiences earthquakes often. Escapes are much easier when you sleep on the floor🏃‍♀️. For small children, they’re also exempt from the ill fate of falling off the bed if they sleep right on the floor to begin with.🥰
2️⃣It’s healthier. 💪
Japanese people believe that sleeping on a hard surface helps with skeletal development🦾. Moreover, the back gets better support, and the body height stretches out more🕺.
3️⃣It saves space.
Japanese people store away their sleeping mat in the day to make space for guests🍵 or kids🎮. At night, they take out their sleeping mat and transform the space into their bedroom. Want to experience the benefits of tatami? The Momomi Soft Touch Tatami Mat has a smooth touch similar to tatami. You and your kids will love the comfort it brings! 😚